
الأربعاء، 22 يونيو 2011

Properties of diamond

Properties of diamondThe characteristics of the structure of the diamond reflected the internal network more or less on the physical properties of diamond which is the most important of the different qualities of mechanical and optical, electrical, magnetic, thermal and immune to different factors.Mechanical propertiesIts features include density, hardness, flexibility, compressibility, and others.

Diamond octahedronA density: the intensity values ​​vary in density between the various models Diamonds 3470 and 3560 kg / m 3. Density is calculated using the Roentgen rays towards 3511 kg / m 3. And ranged in value of the density of the diamond type Alcarbonado used in the industry between 3010 and 3470 kg / m 3.B Hardness: running Diamonds ranked high (10) in the hierarchy of Moss for the harshness of the relative Mohs's scale of hardness The hardness absolute absolute hardness, as measured by pressing the top of the diamond face crystal amounts to 10,060 kg / mm 2, is higher than the hardness of absolute Marble hundred times approximately. And not harsh diamond equal to the faces of crystals of different amount to a maximum on the face is marked by the code «111» of the octahedron (Fig. 5) and taking into account the asymmetry Alksawat or mechanical properties when you cut crystals of diamond single and processing, and direct use of the instruments and industrial devices.C flexibility and compressibility: a Young's modulus Young's module or a modulus of elasticity of the regular diamonds approximately 1000 Gaganewton / m 2 or the equivalent of 1310 Dinah / cm 2. The coefficient of volumetric compression Diamond Faisal Gaganewton to 600 / m 2 or the equivalent of 6 × 1210 Dinah / cm 2.

Faceted octagonal shape, a little distorted, for this crystal of the uncircumcised Mneptha diamond shape is typical for this metal. Sparkling facets also shown that this crystal is one of the key layer.Optical propertiesDiamond that is characterized by isotropic optical properties similar to being in the shape of the system Almkobeih. Break it and the presumption of n = 2.417 for the radiation wavelength l = 0.5893, and the increase in value increasing temperature. The evidence of fracture dissipated Faisal to 0.063, with an angle of total internal reflection 2424. Characterized by some form of non-diamond properties similar to anisotropic stresses as a result of the availability of flexible due heterogeneity in the internal structure, so the ray refracts the incoming broken twice, and show under the polarizing microscope forms preemptive interference figures in the form of light-lighted Black Cross among its branches. Characterized by most types of diamond absorption selective parts of the infrared spectrum (with wavelengths l = 8-10 Mkromtr), as well as UV (lengths waves less than 0.3 Mkromtr), called the diamond of this type diamonds of Type I (1). The types of type II (2) are rare and found in 1933, and characterized it does not have absorption lines within the scope of the waves 8-10 Mkromtr is transparent to the scope of the waves ~ 0.22 Mkromtr, and encounter other types of third type (3) a mixture appear in some of its parts indicators type I and other parts of signs of the second kind. Here it should be noted that the basic spectral properties of diamond crystals, associated with minor changes occurring in the retinal structures and the amount of nitrogen available to the elements. The depth of penetration of alpha particles diamond crystals up to 10 Mkromtr, and the depth of penetration of electrons card (~ 1 MeV) up to 1 mm. Therefore, the diamond can be used in computers, computers, and advantages of the possibility of diamond computers run at room temperature for a long time in a system with a permanent and continuous separation packages to narrow radiation. This raises the importance of their use, especially in research and studies related to the biological advantages of diamond as well as optical, phenomena visible with the naked eye or under magnifiers and microscopes (when the grains of diamond minutes) Kalshfov, pollution and glare and sparkle (or gloss) and luminescence.A Cfov: diamond crystals are characterized by crystal clear Bashvovha higher, they allow the passage of light rays by the broken and out of the severity of the same without a mention of the absorption spectrum of these rays. So it looks transparent, colorless diamond. The species and vestiges Bashward Manbsat solid, liquid or gas where it is absorbed, to varying degrees and selective, a measure of the spectrum where the broken rays, which weakens Hvovha and lead to the emergence of increasingly darker colors of the increased impurities in them to become opaque Cfov useless.B. Pollution: Most of the jewels diamonds transparent colorless or light blue color, with swabs of the color yellow or brown, or green or pink, and red diamond is very rare. The diamonds used in industry (Port, Carbonado) so usually brown or black or dark gray. Diamond and change colors when thrown with alpha particles and protons, neutrons and Aldetronat. It is worth mentioning that the discoloration of the diamond belonged to the variegated pattern of self-idiochromatism when crystals containing impurities colored chromophores and the pattern of coloration allochromatism intruder when tinged crystals Bmanbsat solid, liquid or gaseous.C luster: The recipe shine or gloss luster and shine strong or shine brilliance enjoyed by the diamond back to the ability of crystals to reflect a large amount of radiation received it, and so the levels of the retina arising from the sides and faces of Foreign Affairs, giving luster to a remarkable, and this is what distinguishes Diamond gems from others.D glow: the launch of the common prescription fiery glow on the diamond, to dispel the enjoyment of white light into its components analysis or color: red, green and blue and violet, and this aspect of the earnings of a fiery glow.E luminescence: with most types of diamond characteristic luminescence luminiscence releasing rays of visible green or blue Bloradtha result of exposure to ultraviolet rays, or Roentgen rays or electrons or alpha rays or neutrons, which eliminated the demise of the catalyst. It should be noted that exposing the diamond to neutron radiation weakens the stability and reduces the density and weaken the structure and detrimental to quality.Electrical and magnetic propertiesDiamond crystals are characterized by a first-mode (1) the quality of electrical resistance r = 10 12 - 10 14 ohms / m. The crystals of the second mode (2) shall be classified in two types: the first crystals of the type (2 a) of electrical resistance quality of the ~ r 10 12 ohms / m and the second crystals of the type (2 b) resistant quality ~ r 0.5-10 ohm / m, and is the last semiconductor (of the form p) that appear when the heating lines, the possibility of absorption spectrum with wave lengths of l ~ 6 Mkromtr (discovered in 1952. and diamond crystals are sometimes encountered with the quality of electrical resistance is very weak (r = 10-2) allowed by passing electrical currents . I have observed in the crystals the second mode (2) of the electrical resistance of high some crystals with high conductivity electrical suddenly when irradiated with alpha particles or firmly electronic or gamma rays. belongs diamond magnetic family of weak enforcement magnetic diamagnatic up susceptibilities magnetic magnatic suscebility to one of the blocks to 0.49 × 10 16 cm. g. Tha at a temperature of 18 degrees Celsius.Thermal propertiesIncrease the linear coefficient of thermal expansion of the diamond increased temperatures, ranging from 0.6 × 10-6 (for the field of temperatures in the range of 53-303 K) until 5.7 × 10-6 (in the range of 1100 to 1700 Kelvin). The coefficient of conductivity thermal Vinaqs increasing temperature (within the area between 100 and 400 K) starting from 6 to 0.8 kJ / m. Kelvin (the equivalent of ~ 14 to ~ 2 calories / sec. Cm. D, while in the room temperature, the thermal conductivity of diamond conductivity than silver.Characteristics of the immuneThe diamond material of the most vulnerable to natural factors, mechanical and industrial cruelty and the scarcity of high surface shear it. It also features a diamond is highly resistant to the effects of water, acids and alkaline solutions (though in the boiling point), but only in the molten Aanhal Alcelir (sodium or potassium nitrate) with a soda at a temperature of t ~ 500 degrees Celsius. Burning the diamond is in the air at the degrees of heat amount of 720-800 degrees Celsius, but when placed in Almakhlaat or in inert gases begins when the temperature 1400 transformation of surfaces external to the graphite remarkable transformation, and increasing the process severity with a high temperature to reach the most at the class 2000 and the transition through to the graphite within 10-20 minutes. The sudden heating at 3,400 ° Mekrou a few seconds leaving the crystals intact, but turn into graphite if the temperature increased to 3600.

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