
الاثنين، 13 يونيو 2011

Who is Adam?? Who is man??

Who is Adam?? Who is man?? (Medal of manhood)The man is a human being first and foremost his own thinking and distinguish it from the opposite sex.The man is the man who has a strong sense of a sharpTags can think properly and take appropriate decisionsAt different times to control himself at all timesHas the ability to challenge the misconceptions in the communityThough in different times something is trueHolds that both of these qualities can actually earn the honor of the word manThe most important thing is the man in any sense that he feels around him, includingAnd be careful to take the appropriate decision in the position whereAnd be chosen taking into account everythingIncluding religion and the fear of God Almighty and the idea and principles ofAnd values ​​that are raised or where it has been entrenched in the ideaOf the ideas he sees himself as trueAnd if you think a little you find that there are things you can not do::In other words, try to think of something that is able to do it or not, so be thinking internally senses the tags and see if you are able or notThe man is the real find of this actually means that what can not do the same in fact it is not permissible to doIt is here comes the men leave the decision-makers stemming from the self-And can thus measure the things that are not known to us as to the validityThis feeling and meaning of the word comes after the mindThe real man is a thinking mind and be firm and even itself with little money and what itAnd think of something in all respects until the decision is fair((The positions of men))I hesitated this word a lot on the earsThey discovered types of menBecause the situation is the one who reveals the hidden and real thinking man and the man fakeActing in a way not to pull off .. Package .. Patience .. Just thinking::From BeyondBefore making a decision should not think that a lot of mind, but its sense of feelings I do not mean here, because emotions always think of compassion, but I mean the rights of conscience or the internal::Think before you say the decision in your mindDo I feel a sense of a simple one that I have wronged??Do I have a feeling that my decision wrong??If the answer is yes:::Beware of what you intended because you will not spare yourself from reprimands to do after this decisionAnd that did not scold yourself, you are undoubtedly one of the quasi-men!!!All of this stems from a sense of((Men and Friendship)) for the concept of friendship last when menThey are everything ... Friend is a sense of what feels like you've done and isTo put yourself in his place to think about his problem to the end with him in the solution to itsDo not say to him ((God, I do not know)) because it is not the solutionHeld talk in the solution to the problem ofYou stand with him pause in everything a man could, even if it was impossible .. Because you can not bow to the problem without a solutionAnd try with a friend over to look for a suitable solution for that, if relieved, it means you convenience and comfort is one of convenience because it is after a friend .. What concerns you occupied .... For you, you are even if it is for your sakeFriends do what his conscience, thought and religion to friendIt is unreasonable to leave my friend does something wrong, and remained silentI know to be harmful to himBecause I do so I am in a lower level than menTherefore Somnah by all means, even if it were harsh and of course myselfIn order to keep it, I do everything, even if Kerni that will let me if preventedSomnah and then leave it in the best better than to leave it lost in the error::From here the manOf sacrifice .. Who would carry it for others((The man and the right word)) It's like a large extent to the position of the right wordThe word that must be told in all cases and even if the priceHarm me, but because the religious right and my mind prevented me from lying and fear of telling the truthThe examples are many and well-being message of our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his defiance of the majority because he knows that in the right way::Do not be afraid of most men as long as he knows he is on the rightAnd if you doubt that he is wrong to recognizeReal man is one of the recognized:Short:True man true to himself first and foremostAre you well?? - - - - - - - -- - - -IfThe man is a sense of reflection and then based on the pillars and then the decisionStems from the impact and not others,,,Then take the results ....- - - -- - - - - - - -Man must respect his word and not be in MtbdlaDifferent times to be on any one word and one view in the same circumstancesBut change the words inside it and his thinking is doubtfulIt is not sure of himself((The man and his dealings)) be the man in his dealings with those who did not know is always up toWhich does not exceed the limits only if he is allowed and the limits of literature::Should be left to man a good first impression of him is not required to be done through a certain positionBecause it is not necessarily occur in the position of a meeting between you and the person conducts his idea to life, but this happens by talking and courteous and the delivery ofYour mind to the other person in various ways::::And last but not least:::((Men and appearance))The man takes care of its appearance is not a premise BeautyBut in recognition of being a manBe neat .. CleanAnd carefully selects his clothes, according to the society and not blindly as others doMan depends on himself and decides what he wants he does not care what people say::ManhoodBoasts a strong word by menSome believe it's insistence and stubbornnessAnd others they see the power of sound and frequent controversyThe meaning of masculinity than stated in the KoranMen superior to womenOf the believers are men fulfilled what promised Allah itMen Atelhiam trade nor sale from the remembrance of God

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